
Don’t listen to your sneaky mind


“Don’t listen to your sneaky mind trying to depress you or make you believe in some fabricated negative spiral interpretation of your life. Have none of it. It is not real… only the still presence of the silent now moment is absolute.” -Tenzin Jampa

Don’t listen to your sneaky mind2015-06-17T22:17:17+07:00

Accepting suffering for peace


“When we don’t want something, even things that make us suffer, it’s the same as desiring something but in the opposite direction. When we accept whatever arises in our lives, even the perceived suffering, suddenly, everything becomes peaceful again.” -Tenzin Jampa

Accepting suffering for peace2015-04-07T22:16:50+07:00

Illusion of free will


“You can choose anything in life, but you are not free of the consequences of your choice. If on the other hand, you accept everything as is, the illusion of free will is shattered, and you are free of all suffering.” -Tenzin Jampa

Illusion of free will2015-02-13T22:22:49+07:00

God is beyond evil


“God is not against evil, God is beyond evil.” – Tenzin Jampa

God is beyond evil2015-01-12T01:10:44+07:00

Sincerity is the key


“Sincerity is the key. You have to be willing; you have to want to see everything. When you want to see everything, you -will- see everything.” -Adyashanti

Sincerity is the key2014-12-19T22:37:03+07:00

Defensiveness is illusion


“Whenever you become defensive about anything, know that you have identified yourself with an illusion.” -Eckhart Tolle

Defensiveness is illusion2014-11-18T14:06:12+07:00

Anger is poison


“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~Guatama Buddha

Anger is poison2014-11-07T12:18:28+07:00

Nothing to hide


“Speak as if the whole world is listening, Do as if the whole world is watching, Choose as if the whole world is willing, Be as if there were nothing to hide from everyone and everything.” -Tenzin Jampa

Nothing to hide2014-10-25T21:36:49+07:00

The basis for true success


“Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that. Your inner purpose is an essential part of the purpose of the whole, the universe and its emerging intelligence. Your outer purpose can change over time. Finding and living in alignment with your inner purpose is the foundation for fulfilling your outer purpose. It is the basis for true success.” -Eckhart Tolle

The basis for true success2014-10-18T22:44:48+07:00

To rise above thought


“To rise above thought…”-Eckhart Tolle, “…is the next level of evolution.” -Tenzin Jampa

To rise above thought2014-08-15T05:34:24+07:00
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