
Inner peace vs. happiness


“Happiness depends on conditions perceived as positive; inner peace does not.” -Eckhart Tolle

Inner peace vs. happiness2014-07-21T23:13:59+07:00

Birth of true nonduality


“Clinging on to the absolute, however blissful or peaceful it may be, …is also a form of fixation, a very subtle egoic trap. To awaken to the absolute view is profound and transformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of true nonduality.” -Adyashanti “…and thus we come down from the peak of the mountain, to share with those who are curious, the summit view in all its full HD glory to our interested friends.” -Tenzin Jampa

Birth of true nonduality2014-07-10T23:22:32+07:00

When your attention is one with your Is-ness


“When your attention recognizes and is one with your IS-NESS….. All your life flowers… All your life blooms…. Becomes radiant.” -Mooji

When your attention is one with your Is-ness2014-07-08T14:01:59+07:00

What no guru can teach you


“I can’t tell you what enlightenment or awakening is… that’s impossible to do.. but what I can tell you, is that I not longer believe in the thoughts my mind creates, and that… is a kind of freedom no guru can teach you.” -Tenzin Jampa

What no guru can teach you2014-06-26T07:22:10+07:00

Free from need to control


“The ego says, ‘I shouldn’t have to suffer’, yet that thought itself is what creates more suffering. When we free ourselves of the need to control, all suffering does also.” -Tenzin Jampa

Free from need to control2014-06-10T07:58:25+07:00

To have utter total peace right now…


“There is nowhere you have to be, no thing you have to own, no event that has to happen, in order for you to be completely and utterly at total peace right now. In fact, it can happen no other way.” – Tenzin Jampa

To have utter total peace right now…2014-05-21T07:54:57+07:00

Awakening to unconditional love


“An awakened being is a tremendously emotionally available being – someone who is not defending him or herself on the emotional or intellectual levels. Part of what happens when we awaken at the level of the heart, is that we experience reality, our selves, totally as it is. When we accept everything as it is, what naturally flows out is unconditional love…” – Adyashanti

Awakening to unconditional love2014-05-03T08:52:18+07:00

Reality is simply what is


“Reality is simply what is. When we resist the truth with our ego’s judgments and even condemn it, our suffering continues…” -Tenzin Jampa (April 30th, 2014)

Reality is simply what is2014-05-01T08:47:38+07:00

Pure being


“Between fixing your attention from one to another, you are at that moment your pure being.” -Tenzin Jampa (quoted April 27th, 2014)

Pure being2014-04-27T23:50:29+07:00

Everything is perfect


“The Source is Infinite. Everything is perfect.” -Tenzin Jampa (quoted June 3rd, 2013)

Everything is perfect2014-04-27T23:48:18+07:00
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